A few helpful hints to make your pre & post waxing experience nothing but the best. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call. There are no silly questions when it comes to your comfort.
3 Weeks of Growth
Please allow at least 3 weeks of hair growth after shaving or clipping before your wax (especially for first time waxers).
Avoid Trimming
We prefer to do the trimming for you (some may trim too short).
Exfoliate with exfoliating gloves prior to your appointment is helpful for ensuring a nice smooth wax. We also recommend exfoliating every day post wax for the prevention of ingrown hairs.
Hydration is very important for both your skin and your hair. Please drink your daily recommended amount of water and we also recommend using our ladysuite or fur botanical oils. Both will aid in the prevention of ingrown hairs and possible breakage.
Are you pregnant?
Please let us know so that we can add extra time for you. You can rest assured you will both (or all of you if you are having twins) will be in loving hands.
Avoid Caffeine
Caffeine may cause extra skin sensitivity.
You may want to take a couple of ibuprofen 30-60 min prior to your appointment.
Avoid UV tanning two days before and two days after waxing, Always wax prior to spray tanning.
Remove Piercings
Please remove all genital piercings prior to your appointment.
Is it that time of the month?
Don’t you worry, we can still wax you. (You may be feel more of a sting.) We ask that you wear some type of protection.
Make an Appointment
By reserving your appointment, you are confirming that you have read and agree to our policies. Thank you.